FIRST. Actually, this is not news from this campaign, but rather from last year, but we want to give it now and generate peace of mind for our customers, because, apparently, some news is appearing in our sector, which generates concern.
We want to confirm that, in 2021, we stocked up with a large amount of cork, thinking of a possible growth in the sale of cork stoppers in 2023. We can say that we have not yet finished transforming the 2021 cork into stoppers, with approximately 20 or 25 days remaining of work.
Already, in GLM2 the batches are being formed and the different washing, selection, etc. works are starting. Their qualities, both visual and analytical, are exceptional, with which we can guarantee our regular customers that they can be sure that, if they continue to trust us, they will have the closures they need in 2023.
Of course, we do not forget those next customers, in whom we have spent years trying to get them, but being honest and in the face of possible problems, current customers must be first.
THE SECOND NEWS: It is related to our previous notification in which we informed you of our concern for having finished the campaign with 3 piles in our yard, totally empty, due to the informality of one of our suppliers, who let pass the whole month of June without doing the work, to which he had promised and, when he wanted to do it in July, nature told him NO.
Well, as we also indicated, we were behind several important batches and in summary we can say with satisfaction that we have found one that, having a quality similar to what we should have received, has a little more quantity that will allow us to perfectly fill the 3 piles and to make from that lot, three sub lots.
The slightly more than 100,000 kilos will enter our yard in the second fortnight of September, after which we will be able to show you with photos that there will be more cork than ever, guaranteeing that our customers have their cork stoppers insured for 2024.
And now, we say goodbye for a few days, to recharge the batteries during the well-deserved holidays. See you!
Valdepeñas 2 September 2022
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