Once analysed the different cork piles of the harvest 2016, we can say that the obtained values in pyrazines is quite below the perception thresfold of 2 ng/l for 2–Methoxy–3,5–dimethylpirazine, described by Dr Pascal Chatonnet and others in the magazine Enocultura, No. 2, 2010, pages 1-5.

 The 2-methoxy-3,5-dimethylpirazine  is a molecule with moist cork and even earth or cooked potato aromas, when its concentration is high (Amon et al., 1989; Simpson, 1990; Simpson et al., 2004; Chatonnet et al., 2010).

This compound can be synthesized from other pyrazines, widely distribuited in nature, that are even in Vitis vinifera (Hashizume et al., 2001), which is the reason why they can also appear in the raw cork plates in a natural way.

Fortunately, these compounds diminish or disappear during the curing of the cork plates in the yard. For this reason we attach so much importance in Gruart La Mancha to respect the curing times.

Publicado: 26/01/2017 en General

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