As you will remember, last June 19 we published the entrance of the first truck of the present cork harvest 2019. We already indicated in that comment that we were worried about the year and therefore, we were working to the limit of our possibilities in all the farms that we had contracted.

Today, August 10, fortunately, we can say that the cork of the last truck of this year was placed in our yard yesterday.

As we feared in June, the year has been quite problematic due to climatic issues, the cork harvest of the 3 farms that we initially had contracted has stopped and we have not getting more than 60% of the expected cork. This has made us use all the resources at our disposal to be able to meet the objective of having the amount of cork we needed.

We want to thank external collaborators and property owners with whom we have contacted this year, for the treatment received and how well they have understood our need for supply and also, the reason why our cork had to be of a higher than average quality. We are convinced that this common thought will be very interesting and fruitful in the near future.

As we said, we have not only achieved the quantity objective, but we assure without any doubt that the quality of the cork, existing in our yard, is the best we have had in the last 20 years. This will allow us many satisfactions in the next two years that we will gladly share with our customers.

Today, we re-produce a video of the yard, where by its atypical placement, you can deduce how the year was. Almost no pile has been able to be finished as originally planned, because the farms could not be finished in the contracted quantities. And, due to the traceability control of each lot, the piles have remained as can be seen in the video made with our useful drone.

We take this opportunity to comment that the cork of the 2018 harvest is already 80% processed, there is still cork to be drilled under the porch.

Finally, we show you our “solar drying” zone, where the cork stoppers in this natural way lower their humidity in a few days, to be able to continue their processing and, safely before the end of the summer they will be perfectly stored.

Logically as indicated, we refer to the corks of the harvest 2018.


Valdepeñas, 10 August 2019

Publicado: 12/08/2019 en General

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