We refer to the visit on the 12th, 13th and 14th of our delegate in Mexico, Luis Ángel Prado García.
Although Mr. Prado García has important reasons to travel to Madrid and visit his relatives, he has preferred to learn first-hand about the issues that are very important for our company in the near future, such as:
- Clear growth for the next 5 years.
- Check in situ the company’s commitment, for this year, in the supply of raw materials, both in quality and quantity, which allows us to make the growth project a reality.
- First-hand knowledge of the industrial projects and modifications that will allow the proposed growth.
To do this, Mr. Prado García has visited what this year is the largest supplier of raw materials, in Sierra Madrona (Córdoba), and, once again, he has reviewed the work processes and systems, with the help of our Technical Director, Mr. Amador.
Finally, he participated in a video conference with the entire commercial department, about some changes in our quality protocol, which more clearly defines our commitment to traceability control, for the benefit of both our company and that of our curstomers.
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